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Tucker Youth Soccer’s Triumph training centers on providing players a strong foundation of skills and tactics while cultivating a love for the game. Players will develop technically, but more importantly, they will mature emotionally.  Triumph works to keep players challenged, progressing, and passionate about soccer. We encourage players to take their passion home and become a fan of professional soccer to learn what the game can be and train and play in your back yard.

Player Behavior

The Triumph program trains players to be comfortable with the soccer ball and have a solid understanding of defensive and offensive principles. We focus on the fundamentals and technical aspects of the game so our players may grow up to become masters with the ball and develop a good overall appreciation of the game. As such, it is important our players take training seriously.

·      Show up early to every practice and game.
·      Have a positive attitude.
·      Listen to coaches.
·      Give maximum effort.
·      Practice skills at home as directed by coach.

Although not common, a coach may discipline disruptive player with extra physical activity, loss of playing time, or being sent home.

If a player will miss practice, please notify the coach as to the reason so the absence does not affect playing time.

Parents may stay during practice to observe their child from a distance.  However, coaching or cheering is discouraged because it is a distraction to practice.

Parent Behavior

The Tucker Youth Soccer Association (“TYSA”) would like parents to remember that soccer is a game.  We are here to have fun in a competitive environment where we are thankful for every opponent that challenges our children to be their best.  We want every player to learn to play the game and not just be told what to do on the field.  To that end, please do not coach from the sidelines. You hinder your player from individual thinking and making decisions on the field, which can only be learned by trial and error. Instead, we encourage parents to coach at home where you can have a positive interaction with your child.

Cheer for all of the players, applaud good efforts, and above all else, relax and let them play. Resist the urge to critique after a game and try to emphasize enjoyment of the sport. Remember that these are children having fun. Model good sideline behavior and be a parent, not a coach.

Parents, family members, and friends may not cross to the coaches/players side during games unless there is an emergency. We need to keep our coaches and players focused on the game.  If you are upset by something during the game, we recommend you wait 24 hours before contacting the coach.  Time often focuses a situation so interaction may be more positive.

Playing Time

Unlike recreation soccer where TYSA strives to give all kids equal playing time, in Academy/Select soccer playing time is managed differently.  Throughout your player’s soccer career this may become a greater challenge.   Coaches will try to give each player maximum playing time deserved each game, but please don’t expect to have equal playing time every game.  While your child will play every game they are rostered, there may be games when your child will have more playing time, and others where they will have less.

If you are concerned with your child’s playing time then we encourage you to have a discussion with the coaching staff as there could be numerous reasons for this, such as attitude, fitness, tactics, and depth at certain positions.   However there are ways to make sure you child is maximizing their playing time:

·      Attendance.  Missing practices and routinely being late will have negative impacts on child’s soccer development and subsequently their match time.   We understand life happens, so please try to give your coach an hour notice if your child will miss practice or run late.

·      Have your child show up to practices and matches with a great attitude, where they are ready to learn, be a teammate, and have fun!

·      Teach your child to have a positive mindset.  All players make mistakes, learning to accept positive feedback will allow them to improve their gameplay.

·      Respectfulness to their teammates, coaches and referees.

·      Coachability – Being coachable is just as much of a skill as dribbling a soccer ball, and it is important at all ages and levels. Players who are coachable will improve their abilities on the soccer field through improved decision making and become more-adaptable.

Coaches are limited in the practice time they get with the children, so having your child present and ready to learn and play will help them succeed as players and as a team.  With hard work and a proper attitude, playing time will surely follow.


TYSA requires all new players to purchase a uniform kit. The club may change uniform styles approximately every two years.

A typical uniform kit includes:

·      Two jerseys (home, away)
·      One pair of shorts
·      Two pairs of socks (game, training)
·      One practice shirt
·      Additional team items, as required (backpack, warm-up jacket, etc.)

Players will need uniform numbers before they can place an order.  The club administrator coordinates numbers.  The administrator will also provide ordering instructions.  Place uniform orders as soon as possible so kits will be available for any pre-season tournaments.

Generally, the practice shirt is paired with black shorts and black socks to be worn during regular weekly training sessions with the team.

Parents should bring both uniform kits with them to every game. We may be asked to change uniforms if our color is too close to the opposing team.


Tournaments generally occur before or after the main season. There are usually two games on Saturday and one game on Sunday morning. Additional consolation or championship games are possible Sunday afternoon.


Your first contact for any questions is your team manager. They should be familiar with how TYSA operates and can help resolve any issue. If you have coaching issues, please contact your coach.

Team Manager
Parents should direct questions regarding practices, tournaments, games, times, and locations to their team manager.

Parents should direct questions regarding training, player interaction, role on team, player attitude, and playing time to their coach.

Club Admin
Parents should direct questions regarding uniform ordering to their club admin.

Player Evaluations

Your player will be evaluated during the season.  The evaluation criteria are available as well as resources for player improvement.

The evaluation is also a good time to discuss player development with your coach.